Late Check Ins and Early Check Outs
affect your child's learning and their class's learning
We know emergencies and unexpected events happen. We also know that we have to take doctor's
appointments when we can get them. Those should be the only times your child is checked in late or checked
out early.
When your child walks into class late, not only have they missed learning time but they also interrupt the
learning of their classmates. When your child checks out early, we have to interrupt the class to call your child,
then your child has to gather their things, and leave the classroom. This impacts everyone in the classroom.
Please remember that 5 tardies, 5 early check-outs, or a combination of the two will count as 1 absence.
5 tardies/ early check outs= 1 absence
Early Check-out Procedures
Students are expected to remain in class until 3:05 p.m. except when they have appointments that can
not be scheduled outside of school hours.
Except for medical appointments or emergencies, children should remain in school until 3:05 in the
If you need to check your child out early, they should be checked out prior to 2:45. If it is after 2:45, you
will need to pick them up in the car rider line.